Sometimes ironic things happen when you start writing.
Not hipster ironic...impactful, meaningful ironic.
The amygdala of the title of this article, is a small mass of nuclei that are located within the temporal lobe of the brain. You've likely never heard of it. Many of the finest leaders, entrepreneurs, and sellers I know have never heard of it. That's too bad, because it controls their/your life.
The irony, is that the spell checkers of both Chrome, as well as of Blogger itself, say I misspelled the word. I didn't, it's just not in their dictionaries. So, at least if it's not in your personal dictionary, you're in good company.
The company you would rather keep in this instance is the company of neuroscientists...or at least those who write about them. Because if that were the case, you would understand the tremendous impact the amygdala has on you.
It has a tremendous impact on emotions, is one of the master keys to the fight or flight decision, and filters almost every decision that you make. It is constantly scanning the world for threats, and often sees them when they aren't there.
And, unless you have looked into neuroscience, you don't know anything about it. But once you do, you'll recognize it.
There are plenty of great resources to learn about its function, how it impacts you, and how learning about it can transform how you go about your personal and professional life. Go find one...or ask me and I'll suggest one.
Rene Descartes put forward the famous: "I think therefore I am." The amygdala is at the very core of that statement.
Your amygdala is activated right now, evaluating what this is all about.
Since that is the case, have a look. You'll be glad you did.